
The comedian George Burns once said, “You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” At Positive Maturity, we believe that our latter years can be some of our best years. In 2014, we created the Top 50 Over 50® to recognize those individuals in our community who find opportunities to make a difference, become a catalyst in the world and leave it with no regrets. Our Top 50 know how to stay young through their dreams, laughter, contributions and achievements. Join us as we celebrate these accomplished citizens of our community who know that age is just a number.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Positive Maturity’s Top 50 Over 50®?
A: Top 50 Over 50 is our annual list recognizing individuals 50 and older for their successes and/or lifetime achievements in their businesses, personal lives and civic engagement. Winners will be honored during a Grand Celebration at The Club in Birmingham, Thursday, July 25, 2024 from 6-9pm, and will receive recognition on social media, in magazines, newspapers and on local news media.
Q: What are the qualifications for the nominees for Top 50 Over 50®?

1. Nominees must live, work or reside in Alabama, preferably Central Alabama.

2. Nominees must be age 50 or older by the time of their nomination (May 2022).

3. Nominations can be made under one or more of the following categories:

Volunteer/Civic Engagement and Community Impact: Individuals who have given back to their communities through philanthropy, volunteerism and/or civic engagement.

Business or Lifetime of Achievements: Business and/or community leaders, professionals and those who have excelled in their businesses or have achieved a lifetime of achievement in this category. 

Health and Welfare: Individuals who have made an impact in their community through caregiving, their medical or social services profession or have achieved a lifetime of achievement in this category. 

Education: Individuals who have made an impact in their community (or the state of Alabama) through education or have built a lifetime of achievement in this category. 

Other: Individuals who have made an impact in the state of Alabama through these careers. Individuals who have made an impact in their lives through an encore career or change. Couples who work together to make a difference. Individuals from Alabama who may not live here any longer but whose impact deserves recognition. All other nominations.

Q: Do they have to work in or with the aging community?
A: No. Our recipients come from all walks of life and engage in a variety of civic engagement, work and community impact.
Q: How can I nominate someone?
A: Nominations can be completed online by clicking here or email your nomination to top50@positivematurity.org.
Q: What information do I need to provide on the nominee?

1. Full name

2. Address, email and phone number

3. Age verification (date of birth or knowledge they are 50+)

4. Your contact information

5. Short write-up (100 words or less) on why they should be a Top 50 Over 50

Q: Can I just send an email on the person I want to nominate?
A: Yes, but it must contain all of the information listed on the form. Send emails to penny@positivematurity.org and place Top 50 Nomination in the subject line. Please do not send photos.
Q: I want to nominate my boss, but should someone higher in the company make the nomination?
A: No. Anyone can make the nomination, from you to your boss, a client, a family member or neighbor. The most important thing is that you provide all the needed information. It also helps if you contact the nominee to let them know you will or have nominated them and they agree with being nominated.
Q: Will more than one nominee from the same organization, civic group or community be accepted?
A: Yes. All nominations are accepted and considered provided all the information is given.
Q: How does the selection process work?
A: After the nominations are received, contact is made with the nominee to make sure they are willing to participate in the Top 50. Once approval has been secured, nominations are sent to the nomination committee who will review them and select the top nominations under each category. This is completed by May 15, 2021.  Recipients are notified first by phone and then by written communications, either email or through the postal service between May 15-20, 2021. 
Q: What is required of those who are selected?
A: Top 50 Over 50 recipients must be available for a photo shoot that will be published along with their bio in local publications, on news media and on social media. Nominees will also need to be available for the awards ceremony in May 2022.
Q: I want to nominate someone, but they will not turn 50 until after the event. Can I still nominate them?
A: No. Nominees who do not meet the age requirements are discarded. Dates of birth are verified for each finalist. 
Q: Can I contact you to see how my nominee is doing in the nomination process?
A: No. Status reports are not given, but we will contact you if we need more information. Please be patient.